Accessing Traveler or Domino HTTP from iOS 9 devices  

By Detlev Poettgen | 7/24/15 10:06 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

App Transport Security is a feature that requires secure connections between an app and web services. The default connection requirements conform to the best practices for secure connections. Apps can override the default behavior and turn off App Transport Security.

Prohibit Outlook for iOS and Android to use Traveler  

By Detlev Poettgen | 2/1/15 8:17 AM | - | Added by Oliver Busse

Microsoft released last week an Outlook app for iOS and Android. The App itself is beautiful and we can see some good ideas IBM will ship with IBM Verse. But from the enterprise security perspective the Microsoft Outlook app is a total nightmare. Microsoft is storing the user credentials on their own servers and is caching all transferred Mails on their servers. A Microsoft server reads, caches and monitors your mail file and transfers the data to the device. I think this is a no go! Details can be found here: Warning – Microsofts Outlook App for iOS breaks your company security.